12 Feb 2025

3 Days Student Development Program on Data Science using Python


Event Title:  3 Days Student Development Program on Data Science using Python
Event category   


About Event (Minimum 200 words): Data Science and Python course provides a complete overview of Data Analytics tools and techniques using Python. Learning Python is an important skill in many areas of Data Science. Getting information from Python will be the key to unlocking your work as Data Scientist.
AIM of the Events  The Python Data Science course teaches you to master the concepts of the Python system. Through this Python for Data Science course, you will gain knowledge in data analysis, machine learning, data perception, web analysis, and natural language processing.
Content of the Event  Day 1:

1.       Introduction of Python

2.       Variables, Data types, Operators, Functions

3.       Introduction & Importance of Data Science

4.       Statistics

5.       Numerical Python

6.       Data Analysis and Cleaning using Pandas

7.       Combining, Splitting, & reshaping data


1.       Some Exercises on Real Time Datasets

2.       An Introduction to Data Visualization

3.       Matplotlib library

4.       Data Preprocessing

5.       Data Transformation

6.       Sea born Library

7.       Introduction of ML Algorithms


1.       Supervised Learning Algorithms

2.       Linear, Logistic Regression

3.       Decision Tree, Random forest

4.       Unsupervised Learning Algorithms

5.       K-means Clustering

6.       Practical Implementation of Real time Dataset

Highlights of Events Basically this is a program to learn the concepts of python programming and using these concepts to analyze data and prepare different charts using data.
Speakers of the Events:


NAME Deepak Singh
E-Mail ID
Designation & Experience Python/Data Science Trainer
Organization  CETPA InfoTech Pvt. Ltd.
Department Name   Computer Science and Engineering, DBIT, Dehradun
Course Name  B.Tech(CSE), MCA, BCA, BSc(IT)
Date Time & Venue of Events: Online on MS Team Software from 26-09-2020 to 28-09-2020 at 11:00AM to 01:00PM and 02:30PM to 04:30PM
Event Coordinator & Organizing

Team Members

Dhajvir Singh Rai and Mukesh Rajput
Contact Person   Dhajvir Singh Rai


Registration for : 3 Days Student Development Program on Data Science using Python

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