19 Feb 2020
Construction yard “practical of construction technique” at Dev Bhoomi School of Architecture
Event Title: | Construction yard “practical of construction technique” at Dev Bhoomi School of Architecture | |
Event category | Construction yard (Activity) | |
About Event |
This event is organized for teaching the basic construction techniques like making brick arches, wall plastering, wall cladding, different types of bonds etc. By this event student will be able to learn the implement the technique in practical field.
Fresh Minds will be guided at their learning stage about working in the field and how the buildings on paper turn into reality guided by the faculties of the School of Architecture, Ar. Shahrukh shah and Ar. Kapil. |
AIM of the Events |
1-To make student understand and relate the theory and practical work together.
2- To let them know, about the basic techniques of construction 3- Which they can use in the practical field. 4- Enhance the quality like leadership, teamwork. 5- To enable them to guide and supervise others in the future construction activities . |
Content of the Event |
Activity | |
Highlights of Events | Brick arches, Wall plastering, Wall cladding, Bonds | |
Speakers of the Events:
(Name, E- Mail ID, Designation, Organization Name, Photograph. Resume) |
NAME | Ar. Shahrukh shah
Ar. kapil |
E-Mail ID | arch.shahrukh@dbgidoon.ac.in | |
Designation & Experience | Asisstant Professor | |
Organization | DBSA | |
Department Name ( Full Name) | Dev Bhoomi School of Architecture | |
Course Name (Participants): | B.Arch | |
Date Time & Venue of Events: | 19 Feb 2020, 20 Feb 2020, 24 Feb 2020, 25 Feb 2020 |
Event Coordinator & Organizing Team Members | Ar. Shahrukh shah
Ar. kapil |
Contact Person | Ar. Shahrukh shah
Ar. kapil |