08 Feb 2021
Student Development Program – Training on ETABS
Event Title: | Five days online student development program on ETABS | |
Event category | Student Development Program | |
About Event
This session will provide exposure to the students about the industry culture and demands. ETABS is an engineering software product that caters to multi-story building analysis and design. Modeling tools and templates, code-based load prescriptions, analysis methods, and solution techniques, all coordinate with the grid-like geometry unique to this class of structure. It will help students to understand the design of multi-storied buildings under static or dynamic conditions. | |
AIM of the Events | Students will easily create models using objects and can understand the concepts when creating models.
To create a model of the floor system and vertical and lateral framing system. To develop student’s proficiency in the design of multi-storied buildings under static or dynamic conditions. Students can keep their design data and design intellectual properties in graphics and tabular form.
Content of the Event | ETABS (Extended Three-Dimensional Analysis of Building System) | |
Highlights of Events
Introduction to ETABS
Linear-static analysis of multistory RC building Linear-dynamic response spectrum analysis of multi-story RC Building Design of multi-story RC building |
Speakers of the Events:
(Name, E- Mail ID, Designation, Organization Name, Photograph. Resume) |
NAME | Ankit Rai, Rishabh Pathak and Umesh Chandra Thapliyal |
E-Mail ID | ankitrai567@gmail.com
Designation &Experience | Assistant Professor and Software Expert | |
Organization | Inderprastha Engineering College, OBLIK Training Solution and Civil Software Expert | |
Department Name ( Full Name) | Department of Civil Engineering | |
Course Name (Participants): | B.Tech civil engineering | |
Date Time & Venue of Events: | 08/02/2020 to 12/02/2020 (online) | |
Event Coordinator &Organizing Team Members | Mr. Vaibhav Deoli | |
Contact Person | 8532964875 |