20 Nov 2019

Guest lecture on Climate-change forest and ecosystem services by Department of Forestry


Climate change is both a cause and an effect of biodiversity change. Climate change is amongst the most important determinants of change in the distribution and abundance of species in both managed ecosystems such as agriculture, production forests, cities and many coastal zones, and natural terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Climate change is also an effect of land uses that generate greenhouse gases (CO2 , CH4 , N2 O) and of alteration in biological stocks of carbon in terrestrial and marine system (green and blue carbon). Biodiversity change affects the flow of ecosystem services—the benefits that people get from ecosystems. These benefits include the Millennium Assessment’s provisioning services (production of foods, fuels, fibers, water, genetic resources), cultural services (recreation, spiritual and aesthetic satisfaction, scientific information), and regulating services (controlling variability in production, pests and pathogens, environmental hazards, and many key environmental processes).

AIM of the Event

  1. Ecosystem services play an important role in strategies for tackling climate change: mitigation and adaptation (Turner et al., 2009).
  2. Mitigation aims at reducing emissions sources or enhancing sinks of greenhouse gases, and adaptation aims at adjusting natural or human systems to moderate harm or exploit beneficial opportunities from climate variations.
  3. Because of their different rationales, these strategies have different priority sectors and locations. Mitigation prioritizes larger emission sources or stronger potential sinks, whereas adaptation prioritizes vulnerable people, ecosystems and activities.

While some sectors are mostly concerned by one of the two strategies (e. g., energy by mitigation or health by adaptation), ecosystems and their services are clearly relevant to both.

Content of the Event

It establish links between ecosystem services and climate change. It first describes the ecosystem services that contribute to mitigation and adaptation, as well as the threat of climate change to ecosystem services. Here the focus is on provisioning services (e. g., food and timber) and regulating services (e. g., water regulation and pest control), as there is little evidence on how adaptation benefits from cultural services (e. g., recreation, aesthetic and spiritual benefits). In the section on adaptation services, only services that contribute directly to human well‐being and resilience are considered, and so supporting services (e. g., primary production and nutrient cycling) are excluded. However, because they are important for ecological resilience, they will be considered in the section on climatic threats. The chapter will end with an overview of policy instruments related to ecosystem‐based adaptation and mitigation, and the trade‐offs that arise when pursuing the strategies jointly

Speakers of the Events:


NAME Dr. Sanjay Singh, Scientist- D
E-Mail ID Sanjaysingh83@gmail.com
Designation & Experience Scientist- D, ICFRE
Organization ICFRE, DEHRADUN.
Department Name ( Full Name) Department of FORESTRY
Course Name (Participants): B.Sc Forestry, Agriculture, Microbiology, ZBC
Date Time & Venue of Events: 20-11-2019, Seminar Hall,  DBIMS
Event Coordinator & Organizing Team Members Dr. Pallavi Gautam

Team – Ms. Habiba Begum


Contact Person Dr. Pallavi Gautam

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