24 May 2020

Importance of marketing in health industries by Department of Hospital Administration


Event Title: Importance of marketing in health industries.
Event category Guest lecture
About Event 


The event is about learning about the importance of marketing in health care industries.As hospital Administrators there are many field in hospital eg: Human resource department,Floor managing department, managerial posts in different departments, Marketing etc. Marketing plays an important role in publication of hospital services.So the event will put a light on marketing importance and it’s significance in health care industries.
AIM of the Events 


  1. Enhance the knowledge of students
  2. Making students understand the importance of marketing in health care industries.
  3. Learning administration skills
  4. Focusing on different aspects of health industries
  5. Enhance communication skills.
Content of the Event The event is about the importance of Marketing in health care industries.
Highlights of Events


Speakers of the Events:


NAME Mr.Rahul
E-Mail ID i.rahul.thapa@gmail.com
Designation & Experience Administration Manager
Organization DCM Shriram industries Ltd
Department Name  Department of Hospital Administration
Course Name (Participants): Bachelor of Hospital Administration (BHA)
Date Time & Venue of Events: 24/05/2020. 11:00 am
Event Coordinator & Organizing Team Members
  • Dr.Pratiksha
  • Miss Divisha
Contact Person
  • Dr.Pratiksha


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