10 Mar 2021
Internship Drive of Times of India
Dev Bhoomi Group of Institutions. Internship Drive of Times of India |
1 | Name of the Company | Times of India |
2 | Date & Time of Drive | 10th March 2021 ,10:00AM |
3 | Company Profile | The Times of India (TOI) is an Indian English-language daily newspaper and digital news media owned and managed by The Times Group. It is the third-largest newspaper in India by circulation and largest selling English-language daily in the world. It is the oldest English-language newspaper in India, and the second-oldest Indian newspaper still in circulation since its first edition published in 1838. |
4 | Company Website | https://timesgroup.com/ |
5 | Stream Required | MBA /BBA |
6 | Eligibility | ·   Excellent communication skills.
·   Sales presentation skills. |
7 | Batch | 2022 |
 8 |  Position |   Sales &Marketing |
 9 |  Benefits | Candidates would be shortlisted first and selected Candidates will be suitably rewarded with target-based compensation and certificates of internship on completion of training. |
10 | Job Location | Chandigarh |
11 | Package | Performance-Based |
12 | Any Bond or Fee | NA |
(Please specify clearly) | ||
12 | Placement Process | Personal Interview |
RegistrationLink:-Â https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSekJWXL3DVEkg0reFM_5d4mf7wLZT3yb4yYGO_PKpc2X95vLA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&usp=mail_form_link
Head – Corporate Resource Center |