Event Title: |
E-POSTER /POSTERTOPIC: – “ROLE OF ARCHITECTURE IN MAKING OUR LIVES BETTER” (Sustainable architecture, Green buildings, Habitable space etc.) |
Event category | NATIONAL COMPETITION | |
About Event
Architects add art, creativity, and beauty to our day lives in ways we don’t expect.
They know how to design your favorite littlie alcove or how to give your building the best view. In fact, studies shows that areas with good architecture and design create stronger community with healthier neighborhoods and business. “The architecture of the everyday at its best increases the quality of social dialogue and creates an inclusive architecture that helps to weave our social intention together an within weave we become more socially honest, we become more equal. “ the architecture of the everyday’ measure us as a society. Statement architecture is the creation of our illusions, “the architecture of the everyday’ is the creation of our reality. Architecture at its best is transformational, it is always in the process of becoming the illusion and the reality at one and the same time Sustainable architecture is architecture that seeks to minimize the negative environmental of building by efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy and development space and the ecosystem at large.
Note: – Participants can be from any department or any collage of India, e-certificates will be provided to the participants and selected winner’s pictures will be posted on website/social media platforms. You have to submit the final picture of the poster on A3 sheets with you on given mail within three days. Email-
AIM of the Events | 1- Enhance the quality of analyzing and understating the importance of architecture in there day today life.
2- To give them chance to showcase their talent by putting creativity on paper. 3- To let them know how to incorporate nature in our designs to make it habitable for human life. 4- To make them realize instead of destroying the nature they should make it as a part of their design. 5- To let them understand the importance of the architecture of the everyday can not be over emphasized.
Content of the Event | NATIONAL COMPETITION | |
Highlights of Events |
· We’ll get to know the creative side of our students· Students will occupied them self doing something productive· It’s just based on creative skills of the students how they can put their thoughts on paper by using colors and graphics· It’s a good opportunity for the B.arch and B.des students to showcase their talent |
Speakers of the Events:
NAME | Ar. kapil
Ar. Shahrukh shah |
E-Mail ID | | |
Designation & Experience | Assistant Professor | |
Organization | DBSA | |
Department Name ( Full Name) | Dev Bhoomi School of Architecture | |
Course Name (Participants): | Open for everyone (national level competition) | |
Date Time & Venue of Events: | 29th May 2020 – 31th May 2020 | |
Event Coordinator & Organizing Team Members | Ar. kapil
Ar. Shahrukh shah |
Contact Person | Ar. kapil
Ar. Shahrukh shah, |