04 May 2020

Rendezvous with Freelance Designer by Department of fashion Designing


Event Title:  Rendezvous with Freelance Designer
Event category Guest Lecture 
About Event (Minimum 200 words): This Event is an interactive session with a well established and experienced Fashion Designer n it will Illustrate fashion about Bollywood and other shoots. It will also cover topics like: Fashion illustration/stylized illustration, Design process and development, and About Fashion Industry. The designer will share his experiences and success story.


AIM of the Events
  1. It will help students in better understanding of Designing fields.
  2. Students will understand Brainstorming.
  3. Student’s perspective of Fashion business will improve.
  4. Students will get a more enthusiastic success story to get a better knowledge of improvising lives.
  5. Will enhance students’ knowledge in their subjects.
Content of the Event GUEST LECTURE  
Highlights of Events 


  • Bollywood dressing and styling.
  • How to work for Ad agencies and fashion shoots.
  • Secrete recipe to become a successful designer.
Speakers of the Events: 


NAME Mr.Deepak Palyal
E-Mail ID deepakpalyal@gmail.com
Designation & Experience  Freelance Fashion Designer freelance/stylist and fashion illustrator
Organization  work for Bollywood films, prints, advertisements, music albums, fashion events and fashion shoots etc….
Department Name
Bachelor of Fashion Designing
Course Name
Fashion Designing
Date Time & Venue of Events: 4th May 2020 
Event Coordinator & Organizing Team Members Ms. Deepa Arya
Contact Person Ms. Deepa Arya
Microsoft Team Link https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZTY1MTIxNmUtMzA3Zi00N2JjLTk0M2QtZmM1YzdkZWZkMzU5%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%229af65193-2121-4172-af89-d8679da8c9b4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2248b33002-9abd-4deb-a94d-20424ef48c45%22%7d


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