04 May 2020
Rendezvous with Freelance Designer by Department of fashion Designing
Event Title:Â | Rendezvous with Freelance Designer | |
Event category | Guest Lecture | |
About Event (Minimum 200 words): | This Event is an interactive session with a well established and experienced Fashion Designer n it will Illustrate fashion about Bollywood and other shoots. It will also cover topics like: Fashion illustration/stylized illustration, Design process and development, and About Fashion Industry. The designer will share his experiences and success story.
AIM of the Events |
Content of the Event | GUEST LECTUREÂ Â | |
Highlights of EventsÂ
Speakers of the Events:Â
) |
NAME | Mr.Deepak Palyal |
E-Mail ID | deepakpalyal@gmail.com | |
Designation & Experience | Freelance Fashion Designer freelance/stylist and fashion illustrator | |
Organization | work for Bollywood films, prints, advertisements, music albums, fashion events and fashion shoots etc…. | |
Department Name |
Bachelor of Fashion Designing | |
Course Name |
Fashion Designing | |
Date Time & Venue of Events: | 4th May 2020Â | |
Event Coordinator & Organizing Team Members | Ms. Deepa Arya | |
Contact Person | Ms. Deepa Arya | |
Microsoft Team Link | https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZTY1MTIxNmUtMzA3Zi00N2JjLTk0M2QtZmM1YzdkZWZkMzU5%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%229af65193-2121-4172-af89-d8679da8c9b4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2248b33002-9abd-4deb-a94d-20424ef48c45%22%7d |