08 Feb 2021

 Training on “Processing of fruits and vegetables’


Event Title:  Training on “Processing of fruits and vegetables’
Event category  Training on “Processing of fruits and vegetables’
About Event 5 days of practical training will be provided to the students (for regular mode only) so that they will have hands-on experience with food processing techniques. Thereby, the participants can have good practical knowledge beyond the classroom experience.
AIM of the Events ·         Provide practical exposer to the students about the importance and product preparation from fruit and vegetables.
Content of the Event
Highlights of Events Preservation and processing of fruits and vegetables
Speakers of the Events:


NAME Dr. Rekha Dhanai
E-Mail ID Agri.rekha@dbgidoon.ac.in
Designation & Experience  Assistant professor
Organization Dev Bhoomi Group of Instituation
Department Name ( Full Name) Agriculture
Course Name (Participants): B.Sc. Agriculture and Food Technology Vth and VIIth semesters
Date Time & Venue of Events: Feb, 8 to 12 Feb 2021,  12:05 PM


Event Coordinator & Organizing Team Members Ms. Bhawana and Dr. Rekha Dhanai
Contact Person Dr. Manisha (HOD Agriculture)


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