23 Nov 2020
Webinar on ‘The Belly Rules the Mind: A Secret!’
Event Title: | Webinar on ‘The Belly Rules the Mind: A Secret!’ | |
Event category | Online Guest Lecture | |
About Event | This event is organised for Agriculture and Applied Sciences students. The major objective of this event is to aware students about connection between a healthy food and healthy mind. Most of the time students are indulged in fast food in order to relieve stress but this practice only deteriorated their health further. The present youth needs to aware of the fact that only healthy food will help us in sustaining a healthy mind and body.
This event will highlight the importance of diet in sustaining a healthy lifestyle in this pandemic and how it can be a tool for success and survival. |
AIM of the Events | 1. To understand healthy food habits
2. To know about connection between mood and food. 3. To motivate students in adapting healthy living. 4. To solve students queries about healthy living. 5. To understand correlation between a diet high in refined sugar and impaired brain function |
Content of the Event | Online guest lecture | |
Highlights of Events | Online guest lecture :
The Belly Rules the Mind: A Secret! |
Speakers of the Events:
NAME | Dr Udichi Kataria |
E-Mail ID | udichikataria@gmail.com | |
Designation & Experience | Professor and HOD (Department of Pharmaceutics) | |
Organization | Geetanjali Institute of Pharmacy, udaipur
. |
Department Name | B.Sc. Agriculture and Applied Sciences | |
Course Name (Participants): | B.Sc. Agriculture and Applied Sciences all semesters | |
Date Time & Venue of Events: | 23 Nov 2020; 3:00 PM India
Event Coordinator & Organizing Team Members | Ms. Kajal Srivastava & Dr. Manisha | |
Contact Person | Dr. Manisha (HOD Agriculture) |