Educational Visit of Centre for Aromatic Plants (CAP), Selaqui Industrial Area, Uttarakhand by Department of Pharmacy
Event Title: Visit of Centre for Aromatic Plants (CAP), Selaqui Industrial Area, Selakui, Uttarakhand
About Event: Students will visit the centre of aromatic plants and gained the knowledge about different types of aromatic plants of Uttarakhand as well as whole country, including uses and therapeutic activities for the betterment of ayurvedic industries and pharmaceutical industries.
CAP has been developed in such a way where all the required facilities for researchers, farmers and entrepreneurs are made available under one roof and the facilities like survey & identification, awareness & training, production of quality planting material, cultivation and extension on cluster approach, preparation of tech. literature & project proposal, consultancy, quality assessment & certification, linkage with industries, distillation facilities, buy-back facilities, marketing of essential oils & aromatic plants and library etc.
AIM of the Events:
- Student learns about Aromatic plants.
- Students will know about aromatic plants of Uttarakhand.
- Students will gain the basic knowledge of cropping and cultivation of aromatic plants.
- To know about Herbal industries.
- Students will get the knowledge of machineries/equipments used in harvesting.
  Course Name (Participants): D.Pharm Second Year
  Date Time & Venue of Events: 22, April, 2019 10:00am